I had plans to put this ship into sea panorama.

Unfortunately due to some changes in my life ( my missus is being relocated due to her job) i had to cancel sea scrape project.

I have no space to keep this ship so it will be passed to Currier and shipped to my parents house, were it will remain.    
 I will take a few shots of her final place and position once it gets there.
Finally done.

Rigging does not go well with plastic yards and spars.

Plastic is to weak to hold minimum amount of tension. It is either plastic bends or ropes wont be straight.

And if ropes wont go straight then they will go every were   but down making it look unnatural.

Another lesson learned. In a future i will consider other methods how to make yards,spars and ropes play nice together.

It has been a long journey. Lots mistakes made, lots exp gained, and i'm sure with future builds i will only go better.

The bottom line is: I'm happy and proud with my achievement.