Last week i done some work on decks. Fitted dead eyes and channels aswell.

There will be no major update now until after holiday. 


It's been a while now since my last update.  I was busy working on top decks stern and bow sections. I updated more pics.

I recently bought 2 books to help me do the tasks that awaits me. Rigging.
Im planing to stop work on my ship some time this week and will study rigging books. i have holiday coming in 3 weeks.

After holiday i hope to start working on my ship again and as always will provide with more pics and updates.


Last week spend some time painting Bow and middle deck.
fitted third row of guns and made some loops for future riging.

All project going slower than i thot and requires alot of work and patients.  

Next on my list is Top deck. Lots of small parts to paint and to fit.